I see all the time on social media that people are posting about the power of the Law of Attraction. They talk about manifesting the things you desire, and that the Law of Attraction will work in your favour to bring you those things you manifest.
However, this isn’t exactly true. The Law of Attraction is a secondary law, which is preceded by the first law, the Law of Vibration.
All materials in the universe have a unique vibrational pattern. Some are high energy and high vibration, and some are low energy, low vibration. Within your soul, you also have an energy and vibration which dictates the way you live your life and the things you accomplish.
When you are low energy, you put out low vibrations into the universe, and the universe matches that energy. In the same way, putting out high vibrations and high energy will also be matched by the universe. You get out what you put in, basically.
This means that fundamentally, if you are low energy and try to get the universe to respond with high vibrational results, it just won’t work. The universe can’t send you something that you are not prepared to receive. So in order for the Law of Attraction to work in your favour, you must first make sure that you adhere to the Law of Vibration. If you want good, positive results, you must send out good, positive energy.
This may seem like a difficult task, because you might believe that it’s near impossible to change your energy. However, it is actually much more simple than you think. All you have to do is change your perception of the world and the thoughts you let dwell in your mind.
There is a common proverb that states: “You can’t stop a bird from landing on your head, but you can stop it from making a nest there.”
When a negative thought enters your mind, you get to choose whether you will entertain it and let it stay, or ask it to leave. When you focus on ridding your mind of negative thoughts, you open more space for the positive thoughts to remain.
And over time, consistently choosing to focus on the positive, your vibrational energy will rise. And when your energy is high, you can make the best use of the Law of Attraction and truly attract the best things the universe has to offer.
We are all made up of energy, which vibrates at a particular frequency.
High vibrational energies are strong and pure. This energy comes from a particular source, whether you want to call it the universe or God, the source is the same.
On the other hand, a low vibrational energy is dark and heavy, and is associated with negative emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, and suffering.
Some people have a naturally high vibrational energy, like me(not being vain, but it’s true).
When these people walk into a room, it lights up. They have high spirits and exude positive vibes that draw you in. These people love life and are constantly enveloped with feelings like compassion, enthusiasm, and excitement.
Low energy people often feel bored, stuck, and generally disinterested in life.
If you are feeling this way, you may want to consider raising your vibrational energy.
By doing this, you will become the best version of yourself and help others do the same, ultimately making the world a better and more positive place.